Homemade tofu

I’ve been tired of using store-bought-tofu. My main gripe is that the tofu does not readily absorb flavors. Might as well infuse some while making it - so I decided to try making tofu - from scratch!

The process is lengthy and messy but it’s worth it.

The ONLY ingredients needed are soy beans (duh!), water (duh) and nigari.

  1. Soak PEARLED soy beans for ~15 hours.
  2. Blend the water and soybeans as finely as possible.
  3. Drain the soy milk from the fiber using a cheese cloth. Squeeze out the left-over fiber. This is called Okara, and can be used in other recipes.
  4. The drained liquid is nothing but soy milk! Heat it until it comes to a boil and remove any foam.
  5. Take 2 Tbsp of nigari and mix it with a bit of water until it is diluted.
  6. Wait until the soy milk reaches about 85C, at which point you add in the nigari solution.
  7. Wait for the mixture to cool and stir occasionally - you’ll notice that the soy milk will start to curdle.
  8. Drain the soy curd through a cheese cloth and press it inside a tofu-shaped container.
  9. Open up the cheesecloth and what’s remaining is tofu!
  10. You can leave the tofu in water to further condense the tofu if needed.
Akshaya Shanbhogue Written by:

Akshaya is a blogger who loves animals, travel, tech and food.